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6 Ways CRM helps you grow your business

Customer relationships are key to your company’s growth, so you need to handle them as efficiently and effectively as possible. Here’s how relationship management technology can assist you to be more connected to customers, improve business performance, and grow your company bigger and faster than ever:

Find the right customers

Without a CRM system, 79% of all marketing leads are never modified to sales. You’ve spent time and resources appealing and generating new leads, but now what? Are they taking passed on to your sales team, and if so, do your reps know which chances are the hottest? Time is of the substance when you’re small and growing fast. Get the most of your marketing tool’s email, social, marketing automation by connecting them to a CRM platform. Both sales and marketing will have a perfect view of leads and prospects so they can make and target engaging communications to turn prospects into customers and reach key decision-makers faster.

Build more sustainable relationships

45% of sales leaders say profound customer relationships are a key objective for sustaining success

Develop a profound understanding of a customer’s business starting with a complete view of their history with your organization and you’ll build a strong relationship founded on trust and mutual success. A CRM system can help an organization:

Explore challenges: Find out what matters to your customers their goals, challenges, and preferences at the end of every exchange and make sure you have a follow-up action. Record this data in your CRM so next time you can pick up exactly where you left off with a quick review.

Engage with relevancy: After you understand a customer’s business challenges and needs you can recommend appropriate products or other content that’s relevant to their business concern, at the right time. With CRM, you know what they’ve purchased and how they’re using your products or services, so provide them with the most relevant content and information.

Scale your one-to-one relationships: As a small business, your customers love you for the personal experiences you provide; but it becomes more challenging to know the details of customers and when to follow up with them, where high growth kicks in. CRM can generate email templates, task reminders, and enable phone calls to help you connect with customers faster and easier.

Reduce the cost of sales

The odds of selling to a new prospect is five to twenty percent. The chance of selling to an existing customer is up to eighty percent.

Growing customers are a key ingredient of continued growth, but they’re not easy to come by. The good news is you can balance new customer purchase costs through sales to your existing customers. Get more visibility into the upsell, cross-sell, and renewal chances in your client portfolio and you’ll see the growth in repeatable sales thanks to the trust you’ve already earned.

CRM can help you increase your business performance by:

Sales efficiency: Priorities leads and chances that are high to convert and close based on client interactions with your company.

Uncovering referral business: look on untapped chances in existing relationships instead of paying for dead-end leads or wasting time cold calling. Reducing time to close: Instantly align your team on the next steps to close a project when you have a 360-degree view of your client.

Increase employee productivity

52% of high-performing salespeople identified themselves as power users who take full advantage of their organization’s “CRM”

Following the right technology frees up your teams from process-heavy tasks and gives them extra time to connect with customers. Handy operations like hunting for contact information or data entry can be automated from customer-related processes. Automation across multiple platforms like sales, service, and marketing will free your employees so they can spend more time talking to prospective customers and building relationships with existing ones.

Offer better customer service

56% of consumers would pay extra for a better customer experience.

The best product is only as good as the service that comes with it. Don’t hit up your clients with multiple marketing promotions that will annoy or scare them away. Drop the ball after a sale and you’ve wasted your time and effort that went into winning a valuable customer. When your whole team has access to a client’s complete data, anyone can quickly provide personalized solutions, with the perfect resources. Smooth interactions build trust and encourage repeat business.

Improve customer retention

Five percent reduction in your customer defection rate can increase profits up to 30-90%

Visibility over all your relationships can assist your teams in proactively addressing at-risk accounts and present satisfied customers with new chances at just the right time. With transparency into client histories, running campaigns, or open cases, you can assist more satisfying purchases and service experiences that keep them coming back for more. Commit your time wisely, and strong customer relationships will give profits for years to come.